Merit Badge Workshop at the Museum of the United States Army
What are the rights, duties, and obligations of United States Citizens? How are those sentiments reflected in the country’s founding documents? Explore these themes and fulfill requirements for the Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge. Analyze primary sources including the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the U.S. Constitution to understand how the nation’s founding documents impact society today. Learn how these documents affect your family and community as well as the U.S. Army. Successful completion of the program will fulfill six of the eight requirements of the Citizenship in the Nation merit badge. The additional two requirements may be completed prior to the workshop. The program will be led by a BSA-certified merit badge counselor.
Register for this IN-PERSON Merit Badge Workshop on March 9 at 1 p.m. ET
1775 Liberty Dr.
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
United States
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