Ring in the New Year with Anacostia Riverkeeper at our annual MLK Day of Service cleanup
Join Anacostia Riverkeeper for a volunteer trash cleanup at Pope Branch Park on Saturday January 18th for a Day of Service! We'll be picking up trash around the park to help clean the neighborhood, and prevent this trash from entering the Anacostia River and harming our environment.
Sign up for one of two volunteer slots below. After registering on Eventbrite, sign this waiver!
Group 1: 10 AM Volunteer Slot
9:30 AM – Registration
10:00 AM – Welcome and safety talk
10:30 AM – Cleanup begins
Group 2: 12 PM Volunteer Slot
11:30 AM – Registration
12:00 PM – Welcome and safety talk
12:30 PM – Join the cleanup or help sort trash
Rain or Shine. All supplies provided. Wear closed-toe shoes and clothing you can get dirty that will protect you from the brush.
This cleanup is in partnership with Pope Branch Park Restoration Alliance.
If you would like to support Anacostia Riverkeeper and our efforts to restore the Anacostia to a swimmable and fishable river, please donate here and learn more about other opportunities here.